Gastroscopy is a procedure to examine the lining of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. A bendable, lighted, thin tube is inserted through the mouth and into the stomach and duodenum.
Preparation Prior to Gastroscopy
The stomach should be completely empty. You should have nothing to eat or drink for approximately 8 hours before the examination. Depending on the time of your scheduled gastroscopy, we will provide more specific fasting instructions. It is best to inform your surgeon of all your current medications as well as allergies to medications a few days prior to the examination. Most medications can be continued as usual.
Preparation Prior to Gastroscopy
The stomach should be completely empty. You should have nothing to eat or drink for approximately 8 hours before the examination. Depending on the time of your scheduled gastroscopy, we will provide more specific fasting instructions. It is best to inform your surgeon of all your current medications as well as allergies to medications a few days prior to the examination. Most medications can be continued as usual.
Colonoscopy is a 15 to 60 minutes procedure to examine the lining of the rectum, colon and end of the small intestine. A soft, thin tube is gently inserted into the anus, advanced through the rectum and colon and a part of the small intestine.
Most medications can be continued as usual, however, iron tablets needs to be discontinued at least two days before the procedure.
Bowel Preparation Prior to Colonoscopy
It is essential to completely empty the normal bowel contents prior to your procedure. This is achieved through liquid diet and consumption of a special laxative mixture. Depending on the time of your scheduled Colonoscopy, we will give you specific instructions regarding the cleansing routine. Click HERE to download a copy of the Bowel Preparation Instructions.
Most medications can be continued as usual, however, iron tablets needs to be discontinued at least two days before the procedure.
Bowel Preparation Prior to Colonoscopy
It is essential to completely empty the normal bowel contents prior to your procedure. This is achieved through liquid diet and consumption of a special laxative mixture. Depending on the time of your scheduled Colonoscopy, we will give you specific instructions regarding the cleansing routine. Click HERE to download a copy of the Bowel Preparation Instructions.
After the Gastroscopy/ Colonoscopy
Mr Karametos will usually explain the results to you after your procedure, unless biopsy samples were taken. These results take several days to return. You will need someone to drive you home due to the sedatives used. Normal diet can be resumed after the procedure. Do not drive or operate machinery until the next day.
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